
22nd Conference of Junior Researchers in Psychology
„Everyday life in a changing world“ will be held on May 16, 2025

This annual conference is a platform for junior researchers, students of all levels, and junior practitioners to present ongoing research and findings within the community of psychologists. At the same time, it is an excellent opportunity to learn about developments in psychology for all those interested in research and its practical applications.

We invite everyone to share their research, experiences and insights in order to build a deeper understanding of the challenges and successes that people face in everyday life in this changing world.

In addition to sessions in Lithuanian, we will be offering English-language sessions for oral presentations. These sessions will be held in a hybrid format, allowing participants to join online or in person at the conference venue.


From 3 February to 28 February 2025, young researchers are invited to submit abstracts.

Who can submit abstracts? The first author must be 1) a student at any level or 2) have completed their last formal studies (bachelor/ master/ doctorate) not more than 5 years ago. Other authors and their seniority are not restricted.

Patron of the conference – Dr. habil. Prof. Danutė Gailienė.

Scientific committee of the conference: Prof. Dr. Roma Jusienė (chair), Prof. Dr. Evaldas Kazlauskas, Prof. Dr. Ilona Laurinaitytė, Dr. Sigita Girdzijauskienė, Dr. Greta Kaluževičiūtė-Moreton, Dr. Ramunė Dirvanskienė, Dr. Arūnas Žiedelis, Dr. Said Dadašev, Dr. Austėja Dumarkaitė.

Conference organisational committee: PhD candidates: Greta Guogaitė (chair), Miglė Rudytė, Justė Margevičienė, Donata Pečiukėnienė, Agnė Grigaitė, Livija Žiemienė. Students: Rugilė Goštautaitė, Ramunė Serapinė, Gintarė Ušakovaitė, Rūta Macijauskaitė.

If you have questions, please contact us via jmpk@fsf.vu.lt.